Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Soft fabric and heavy metal, part 1

Back in March I read about a textile craft event called Weaving Narratives that was being held at Bedfordshire County Archives. It sounded interesting and they were offering to show us around their stack room (I'm a bit nosy), so I signed up.

Here's the stack room, by the way. I think it's the map shelf...

Amazing, eh?

There are tons of even more amazing documents inside but unfortunately I'm not allowed to share them for copyright reasons.

It turned out that this little craft project was filled with proper artists, which was frankly quite intimidating since I'd barely picked up a needle in twenty years. Especially as we were asked to create a piece of artwork inspired by something we'd find in the county archives and then display it in an exhibition in the Autumn. My big fear was that my effort would look embarrassingly bad next to the proper art!

But it's a fascinating project and the enthusiasm of the archives staff was infectious. And when else was I ever going to get a chance to have my art in an exhibition? I had to do it, even though it was taking me outside my comfort zone.

So the next question was what on earth was I going to make? The challenge with the archives is that there's just so much material there, it's hard to decide. But while having a chat with Emma from the Crafty Mrs Noah craft group I hit upon the idea of using Bedford's engineering past.

To read more, please head over to the Weaving Narratives blog...

I'll add another update here on my blog when I get a chance, so pop back soon!

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